SOURCE: M·A·C Cosmetics
Over 30 years ago, M∙A∙C Cosmetics helped usher in a new era for recycling cosmetics products through the creation of the Back-To-M∙A∙C takeback program. The program remains popular among consumers around the world looking for sustainable ways to discard their empty containers which are typically difficult to recycle.
The brand continues to expand the program’s global reach and recently debuted Back-To-M∙A∙C in Poland and Austria. The program is simple: People simply return their clean, empty products to a participating M·A·C counter to be recycled and what cannot be recycled is converted into energy.
“Given the challenges surrounding cosmetics packaging recycling, it’s important to innovate new systems to find success,” says Olga Kachook, Senior Manager, The Sustainable Packaging Coalition. “The Back-To-M·A·C program is a great example of a company leaning into the challenges and working to build meaningful solutions. We applaud M·A·C Cosmetics for their continued dedication to the Back-To- M·A·C program, and we hope it helps create a place for cosmetics packaging in the circular economy.”
Most M·A·C primary packaging – packaging used to contain the product itself, like an eye shadow pot or lipstick case – can be returned as part of the Back-To-M·A·C program. Some exclusions apply.
“Like many, at M·A·C we care about the planet and are doing our part to help improve our environmental impact” says Philippe Pinatel, Global Brand President, M·A·C Cosmetics. “That’s why we created the Back-To-M·A·C program years ago in Canada, where the brand was born, to help reduce the environmental impact of our packs. And that’s just one piece of the puzzle. We are continuing to design with the environment in mind, making smarter, more responsible packaging choices without compromising our iconic packaging aesthetics and performance. I’m so excited for what’s in store and invite consumers to join us in our journey.”
KEYWORDS: NYSE: EL, MAC cosmetics, Back-To-M∙A∙C, Recycling, Poland, Austria, Philippe Pinatel, Olga Kachook, The Sustainable Packaging Coalition