Sappi is the world's leading producer of coated fine paper
The effect on equity for the above change is reflected in the group statement of changes in shareholders' equity. The effect on net profit for the current quarter is an increase of US$11 million, net of US$3 million tax (June 2004 quarter: increase of US$21 million, net of US$11 million tax; September 2003 quarter: decrease of US$1 million, minimal tax) and an increase of US$47 million, net of US$19 million tax for the year ended September 2004 (September 2003: a decrease of US$6 million, net of US$2 million tax). Where appropriate, comparative figures have been restated. The restatement has had minimal effect upon the basic and headline earnings per share for the September 2003 quarter, but decreased the basic and headline earnings per share by 3 US cents and 2 US cents for the year ended September 2003, respectively.
The preliminary results for the quarter have been reviewed in terms of South African Auditing Standards by the group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche. Their unqualified review report is available for inspection at the company's registered offices.
The effect on the cash flow statement is a reclassification of investments in plantations from cash utilised in investing activities to cash generated by operations. Net cash flows remain the same.
Operating profit has been restated to take into account the requirements of circular 3/2004 issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. Previously non-trading (profit) loss items were excluded from operating profit. The impact of the inclusion is a decrease in operating profit of US$31 million for the quarter and US$27 million for the year ended September 2003.
Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified between deferred tax and current tax. This had no effect on reported net income or shareholders' equity.