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Washington, DC 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For November 7, 2007
Commission File Number 1-14642
ING Groep N.V.
Amstelveenseweg 500
1081-KL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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This Report contains a copy of the following:
(1)   ING Condensed Consolidated Interim Accounts for the Nine Month Period ended September 30, 2007.


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4. Introduction
This section includes the ING Group Condensed consolidated interim accounts, prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34) and including the review report of Ernst & Young. These condensed consolidated interim accounts are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (‘IFRS-EU’). Other sections of this Group Statistical Supplement are presented on an underlying basis, i.e. excluding gains/losses on divestments, profit from divested units and certain special items. A reconciliation between Underlying net profit and Net profit (attributable to shareholders of parent) in accordance with IFRS-EU is provided in Section 1.1 ‘ING Group: Income Statement’ of this Group Statistical Supplement.


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4.1 Condensed consolidated balance sheet* of ING Group as at
    30 September   31 December
(in mln)   2007   2006
Cash and balances with central banks
    13,397       14,326  
Amounts due from banks
    51,470       39,868  
Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss
    339,462       317,470  
    296,854       311,581  
Loans and advances to customers
    529,912       474,437  
Reinsurance contracts
    6,119       6,529  
Property and equipment
    6,120       6,031  
Other assets
    62,679       56,065  
Total assets
    1,306,013       1,226,307  
Shareholders’ equity (parent)
    38,859       38,266  
Minority interests
    2,176       2,949  
Total equity
    41,035       41,215  
Preference shares
    119       215  
Subordinated loans
    6,502       6,014  
Debt securities in issue/other borrowed funds
    98,383       107,772  
Insurance and investment contracts
    271,746       268,683  
Amounts due to banks
    148,133       120,839  
Customer deposits and other funds on deposit
    529,476       496,680  
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss
    166,381       146,611  
Other liabilities
    44,238       38,278  
Total liabilities
    1,264,978       1,185,092  
Total equity and liabilities
    1,306,013       1,226,307  
* Unaudited  
The accompanying notes referenced from 4.5.1 to 4.5.7 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim accounts


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4.2 Condensed consolidated profit and loss account* of ING Group for
    3 month period   9 month period
    1 July to 30   1 January to 30
    September   September
(in mln)   2007   2006   2007   2006
Interest income banking operations
    20,005       14,606       55,468       43,342  
Interest expense banking operations
    -17,773       -12,321       -48,791       -36,495  
Interest result banking operations
    2,232       2,285       6,677       6,847  
Gross premium income
    11,397       10,992       34,604       35,569  
Investment Income
    3,136       2,616       9,592       8,060  
Commission income
    1,222       1,026       3,650       3,203  
Other income
    865       443       2,003       1,891  
Total income
    18,852       17,362       56,526       55,570  
Underwriting expenditure
    11,983       11,511       35,877       36,671  
Addition to loan loss provision (release)
    69       44       94       15  
Other impairments (reversals)
          4       -20       -1  
Staff expenses
    2,021       1,764       6,199       5,772  
Other interest expenses
    312       292       871       881  
Other operating expenses
    1,734       1,670       5,264       4,765  
Total expenses
    16,119       15,285       48,285       48,103  
Profit before tax
    2,733       2,077       8,241       7,467  
    355       431       1,268       1,621  
Net profit (before minority interests)
    2,378       1,646       6,973       5,846  
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the parent
    2,306       1,571       6,759       5,590  
Minority interests
    72       75       214       256  
    2,378       1,646       6,973       5,846  
    30 September   30 September   30 September   30 September
(in Euro)   2007   2006   2007   2006
Earnings per ordinary share (attributable to shareholders of the parent)
    1.08       0.73       3.14       2.59  
Diluted earnings per ordinary share
    1.07       0.72       3.11       2.56  
* Unaudited  
The accompanying notes referenced from 4.5.1 to 4.5.7 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim accounts


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4.3 Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows* of ING Group for the nine month period ended
    30 September   30 September
(in mln)   2007   2006
Net cash flow from operating activities
    22,662       8,302  
Investments and advances:
Group companies
    -875       -116  
    -548       -222  
Available-for-sale investments
    -210,263       -222,372  
Real estate investments
    -537       -420  
Property and equipment
    -498       -391  
Assets subject to operating leases
    -1,092       -553  
Investments for risk of policyholders
    -40,769       -32,284  
Other investments
    -158       -146  
Disposals and redemptions:
Group companies
    985       363  
    635       255  
Available-for-sale investments
    207,241       200,902  
Held-to-maturity investments
    784       1,220  
Real estate investments
    191       467  
Property and equipment
    127       77  
Assets subject to operating leases
    298       283  
Investments for risk of policyholders
    36,150       28,106  
Other investments
    8       23  
Net cash flow from investing activities
    -8,321       -24,808  
Proceeds from issuance of subordinated loans
    751       865  
Repayments of subordinated loans
Proceeds from borrowed funds and debt securities
    322,171       219,289  
Repayments of borrowed funds and debt securities
    -330,784       -203,779  
Issuance of ordinary shares
    392       3  
Payments to acquire treasury shares
    -1,614       -839  
Sales of treasury shares
    10       373  
Dividends paid
    -3,022       -2,708  
Net cash flow from financing activities
    -12,096       12,604  
Net cash flow
    2,245       -3,902  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
    -1,795       3,335  
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
    198       -308  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
    648       -875  
Cash and cash equivalents comprises the following items
Treasury bills and other eligible bills
    6,437       4,427  
Amounts due from/to banks
    -19,186       -18,084  
Cash and balances with central banks
    13,397       12,782  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
    648       -875  
* Unaudited  
The accompanying notes referenced from 4.5.1 to 4.5.7 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim accounts


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4.4 Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity* of ING Group for the nine month period ended
    30 September   30 September
(in mln)   2007   2006
    Total                   Total        
    shareholders'   Minority           shareholders'   Minority    
    equity (parent)   interests   Total   equity (parent)   interests   Total
Balance at beginning of period
    38,266       2,949       41,215       36,736       1,689       38,425  
Unrealised revaluations after taxation
    112       -42       70       -1,262       -4       -1,266  
Realised gains/losses transferred to profit and loss
    -2,018               -2,018       -468               -468  
Change in cash flow hedge reserve
    -694               -694       -558               -558  
Transfer to insurance liabilities/DAC
    1,113       4       1,117       608       -6       602  
Employee stock options and share plans
    49               49       76               76  
Exchange rate differences
    -708       40       -668       -901       -18       -919  
Total amount recognised directly in equity
    -2,146       2       -2,144       -2,505       -28       -2,533  
Net profit
    6,759       212       6,971       5,592       255       5,847  
Change in composition of the group
            -865       -865               -43       -43  
    -2,999       -122       -3,121       -2,681       -22       -2,703  
Purchase/sale of treasury shares
    -1,413               -1,413       -416               -416  
Exercise of warrants and options
    392               392       3               3  
Other revaluations
Balance at end of period
    38,859       2,176       41,035       36,729       1,851       38,580  
* Unaudited  
The change in the composition of the group is mainly attributable to the deconsolidation of real estate funds following a reduction in ownership percentage
The accompanying notes referenced from 4.5.1 to 4.5.7 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim accounts


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4.5 Notes to the condensed consolidated interim accounts*
4.5.1 Basis of preparation
These condensed consolidated interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The accounting principles used to prepare these condensed consolidated interim accounts comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and are consistent with those set out in the notes to the 2006 Consolidated Annual Accounts of ING Group except that as of 1 January 2007, the level at which the adequacy test of the provision for insurance contracts is evaluated has been aligned to the business lines, which is the level at which performance is evaluated and segments are reported.
Previously, if it was determined using a best estimate (50%) confidence level that a shortfall existed in a business unit, then this shortfall was immediately recorded in the profit and loss account. Under the new policy, if it is determined using a best estimate (50%) confidence level that a shortfall exists in a business unit, and there are no offsetting amounts within other business units in the Business Line, then this shortfall is immediately recorded in the profit and loss account. This change in accounting policy has no effect on the financial information presented in these condensed consolidated interim accounts.
IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure” became effective as of 1 January 2007. Also in the first quarter of the year, IFRIC 11 Group and treasury share transactions became effective. None of these recent standards and interpretations have had a material effect on equity or profit for the period. No other new standards became effective in the first nine months of 2007 and recently issued standards that become effective after 30 September 2007 are not expected to have a material effect on equity or profit for the period. ING Group has not early adopted any new International Financial Reporting Standards in this quarter.
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU provide several options in accounting principles. ING Group’s accounting principles under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and its decision on the options available are set out in the section “Principles of valuation and determination of results” in the 2006 Consolidated Annual Accounts of ING Group.
These condensed consolidated interim accounts should be read in conjunction with the 2006 Consolidated Annual Accounts of ING Group.
Certain amounts recorded in the condensed consolidated interim accounts reflect estimates and assumptions made by management. Actual results may differ from the estimates made. Interim results are not necessarily indicative of full-year results.
The presentation of, and certain terms used in, these condensed consolidated interim accounts have been changed from the 2006 Consolidated annual accounts of ING Group to provide more relevant information. Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified to conform with the current period presentation. None of the changes are significant in nature.
* Unaudited


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4.5.2 Loans and advances to customers by insurance and banking operations
    30 September   31 December
(in mln)   2007   2006
Insurance operations
    28,366       37,606  
Banking operations
    503,349       440,375  
    531,715       477,981  
    -1,803       -3,544  
    529,912       474,437  
4.5.3a Loans and advances to customers by type — banking operations
    30 September   31 December
(in mln)   2007   2006
Loans to or guaranteed by public authorities
    27,431       25,953  
Loans secured by mortgages
    245,126       208,211  
Loans guaranteed by credit institutions
    3,000       2,408  
Other personal lending
    24,789       22,906  
Other corporate loans
    205,056       183,535  
    505,402       443,013  
Provision for loan losses
    -2,053       -2,638  
    503,349       440,375  
4.5.3b Changes in loan loss provision
    30 September   31 December
(in mln)   2007   2006
Opening balance
    2,642       3,313  
Changes in the composition of the group
    2       -101  
    -715       -691  
    48       86  
Increase in loan loss provision
    94       103  
Exchange differences
    -21       -67  
Other changes
    12       -1  
Closing balance
    2,062       2,642  
The closing balance is included in
- amounts due from banks
    9       4  
- loan and advances to customers
    2,053       2,638  
    2,062       2,642  


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4.5.4 Investment income
3 month period   Insurance   Banking   Total
    1 July to 30 September   1 July to 30 September   1 July to 30 September
(in mln)   2007   2006   2007   2006   2007   2006
Income from real estate investments
    17       44       66       33       83       77  
Dividend income
    150       173       14       29       164       202  
Income from investments in debt securities
    1,739       1,471                   1,739       1,471  
Income from loans
    466       713                   466       713  
Realised gains/losses on disposal of debt securities
    49       21             4       49       25  
Impairments of available-for-sale debt securities
    -22       2       -5             -27       2  
Realised gains/losses on disposal of equity securities
    592       94       11       4       603       98  
Reversals/impairments of available-for-sale equity securities
    -1       -7             -4       -1       -11  
Change in fair value of real estate investments
    28       30       32       9       60       39  
    3,018       2,541       118       75       3,136       2,616  
9 month period   Insurance   Banking   Total
    1 January to 30 September   1 January to 30 September   1 January to 30 September
(in mln)   2007   2006   2007   2006   2007   2006
Income from real estate investments
    54       139       189       94       243       233  
Dividend income
    569       496       69       113       638       609  
Income from investments in debt securities
    4,971       4,790                   4,971       4,790  
Income from loans
    1,620       1,768                   1,620       1,768  
Realised gains/losses on disposal of debt securities
    -16       -73       133       62       117       -11  
Impairments of available-for-sale debt securities
    -22       6       -5             -27       6  
Realised gains/losses on disposal of equity securities
    1,682       540       222       56       1,904       596  
Reversals/impairments of available-for-sale equity securities
    -11       -17       -12       -12       -23       -29  
Change in fair value of real estate investments
    65       68       84       30       149       98  
    8,912       7,717       680       343       9,592       8,060  


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4.5.5 Segment Reporting
3 month period   Insurance   Insurance   Insurance   Wholesale   Retail   ING           Total
(in mln)   Europe   Americas   Asia/Pacific   Banking   Banking   Direct   Other   Eliminations   Group
1 July to 30 September 2007
Total income
    3,706       7,245       4,036       1,288       1,602       536       908       -469       18,852  
Underlying profit before tax
    362       480       151       404       526       120       345               2,388  
    418                               32                               450  
Special items (1)
                            -45       -27               -33               -105  
Profit before income tax
    780       480       151       359       531       120       312             2,733  
1 July to 30 September 2006
Total income
    3,711       7,178       3,235       1,259       1,495       560       305       -381       17,362  
Underlying profit before tax
    511       512       168       527       469       177       -238               2,126  
    29                       -80               2                       -49  
Special items
Profit before income tax
    540       512       168       447       469       179       -238             2,077  
9 month period   Insurance   Insurance   Insurance   Wholesale   Retail   ING                   Total
(in mln)   Europe   Americas   Asia/Pacific   Banking   Banking   Direct   Other   Eliminations   Group
1 January to 30 September 2007
Total income
    12,754       21,296       10,673       4,391       4,833       1,667       2,361       -1,449       56,526  
Underlying profit before tax
    1,483       1,606       463       1,808       1,620       456       670               8,106  
    460                               32                               492  
Special items (2)
                            -45       -280               -32               -357  
Profit before income tax
    1,943       1,606       463       1,763       1,372       456       638             8,241  
1 January to 30 September 2006
Total income
    12,203       22,425       10,238       4,292       4,565       1,733       1,099       -985       55,570  
Underlying profit before tax
    1,617       1,453       481       1,979       1,491       522       -163               7,380  
    104               15       -44               12                       87  
Special items
Profit before income tax
    1,721       1,453       496       1,935       1,491       534       -163             7,467  
(1)   Comprises expenses related to Retail Netherlands Strategy (Combining ING Bank and Postbank) of EUR 16 million and expenses relating to the proposed Oyak Bank acquisition in the amount of EUR 89 million
(2)   Comprises expenses related to Retail Netherlands Strategy (Combining ING Bank and Postbank) of EUR 268 million and expenses relating to the proposed Oyak Bank acquisition in the amount of EUR 89 million


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4.5.6 Acquisitions and Disposals
In the three months ending 30 September 2007
On 3 July 2007 ING announced that has completed the sale of its business unit ING Trust to management and Foreman Capital, an independent investment company based in the Netherlands. The disposal is part of ING’s strategy to focus on its core banking, insurance and asset management businesses. As of the 2 July 2007, ING Trust will operate under a new brand, Orangefield Trust. The transaction has no material impact on the results of ING Group or the Tier-1 ration of ING Bank.
On 27 July 2007 ING announced that it had reached agreement with Santander to acquire its Latin American pension businesses to further strengthen ING’s position in this fast growing market. The mandatory pension fund management companies (AFPs), which are located in certain Latin American countries, will make ING the second largest pension fund manager in Latin America. The purchase is subject to various national regulatory approvals in certain countries and is expected to be completed by early 2008.
On 28 September ING announced that it had completed the sale to P&V Verzekeringen of its Belgian Broker and Employee Benefits insurance business for EUR 750 million, resulting in a capital gain of EUR 418 million. ING will continue to sell life and non-life insurance products in Belgium by focusing on the distribution through its retails banking channels (ING Belgium and Record Bank).
On 30 September ING Group announced that it had reached final agreement with Piraeus Bank on a 10-year exclusive distribution partnership in Greece covering life, employee benefits and pension insurances. In addition, ING will acquire full ownership of ING Piraeus Life, the joint venture between ING and Piraeus Bank. The new distribution partnership fits into ING’s growth strategy in Central Europe of which extending and broadening of distribution is one of the spearheads. The distribution partnership will give ING exclusive access to Piraeus Bank’s network of 305 branch offices in Greece for the distribution of life insurance and pension products. Piraeus Bank is the 4th largest bank in Greece. Combined, ING Greece and ING Piraeus Life occupy the 3rd position in the Greek life insurance market.
Reported in the six month period 1 January to 30 June 2007
ING announced the completion of the acquisition of AZL, an independent Dutch provider of pension fund management services, for EUR 65 million. The acquisition has no material impact on the capital adequacy ratios of ING Group.
ING announced that it had reached a final agreement to sell Regio Bank to SNS REAAL for a purchase price of EUR 50.5 million. The profit on disposal is expected to be about EUR 25 million. On 2 July 2007 ING announced that the sale had been completed, with a profit on disposal of about EUR 25 million for ING Group and an increase of 3 basis points on the Tier-1 ratio of ING Bank.
ING announced that it completed the sale of Nationale Borg, a specialist provider of guarantee insurance. The disposal has no material impact on the capital adequacy ratios of ING Group.
ING announced that it had reached agreement to acquire full ownership of Landmark Investment Co Ltd, the twelfth largest asset manager in Korea. The purchase is subject to regulatory approval.
ING announced that it had reached an agreement to acquire Oyak Bank, a top-ten Turkish Bank, for an amount of EUR 2.0 billion. The acquisition is subject to approval of the relevant authorities and is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2007.


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4.5.7 Issuances, repurchases and repayment of debt and equity securities in issue
Share buy-back
On 16 May 2007 ING announced a plan to adopt a buyback programme under which it plans to purchase ordinary shares (or depositary receipts for such shares), with a total value of EUR 5 billion over a period of 12 months, beginning in June 2007. In the third quarter the number of (depositary receipts for) ordinary shares repurchased under this program is 31,939,198 (and a total to date of 52,370,698) at an average price of EUR 30.90 (with an average price to date of EUR 31.66), and a consideration of EUR 987 million (Total consideration to date is EUR 1,658). Cumulatively this represents completion of approximately 33% of the repurchase programme.
Delta hedge portfolio for employee options
To rebalance the delta hedge portfolio for employee options ING sold 4,360,000 (depository receipt for) ordinary shares in the third quarter at an average price of EUR 28.98.
In the 9 months to 30 September 2007, ING Group sold 10,970,000 (depository receipt for) ordinary shares at an average price of EUR 31.64. Also in the first 9 months ING Group issued 5,215,790 (depositary receipts for) ordinary ING shares, of which they bought back 4,075,830 at the opening price of EUR 30.48.
As at 30 September 2007 the hedge book holds 44.8 million (depositary receipts for) ordinary ING shares representing 2.0% of the total 2,225 million shares outstanding.
Buy-back of preferences
In the second quarter 2007, ING announced that agreement had been reached with Fortis Insurance Netherlands to buy-back 28,172,583 ‘A’ preference shares of ING at a price of EUR 3.618175 per share or EUR 101,933,335.5 in total, representing approximately 5.5% of the share capital of ING Group.
On 15 October 2007, ING announced that agreement had been reached with ABN AMRO to purchase 28,843,989 depository receipts for “A” preference shares of ING Group. The transaction will be conducted in two tranches. The first tranche consists of 18,843,989 shares, to be purchased at a price of EUR 3.65 per share was completed on 15 October 2007. The second tranche of 10,000,000 shares will be purchased at a price of EUR 3.68 per share on 24 December 2007. The second tranche is subject to the condition that ING does not breach its 10 pct limit of its share capital on its own books, which condition has to be fulfilled before 15 January 2008. Following the repurchase of each tranche, the preference shares will be cancelled.


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4.6 Review report
To the shareholders, Supervisory Board and Executive Board
We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of ING Groep N.V. (the ‘Company’), Amsterdam, as at 30 September 2007, the related condensed consolidated profit and loss account for the three-month period and the nine-month period then ended, and the related condensed consolidated statement of cash flows and statement of changes in equity for the nine-month period then ended and explanatory notes. Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these condensed consolidated interim accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (‘IAS 34’). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on these condensed consolidated interim accounts based on our review.
Scope of Review
We conducted our review in accordance with Dutch law, including Standard 2410, ‘Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity’. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying condensed consolidated interim accounts are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34.
Amsterdam, 6 November 2007
for Ernst & Young Accountants
C.B. Boogaart




Table of Contents

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  ING Groep N.V.
  By:   /s/ H. van Barneveld    
    H. van Barneveld    
    General Manager Corporate Control & Finance   
  By:   /s/ W.A. Brouwer    
    W.A. Brouwer   
    Assistant General Counsel   
Dated: November 7, 2007