H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ [GRAPHIC] ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 0 1 To our Shareholders: At fiscal year-end on September 30, 2001, the net asset value of your Fund was $27.35 per share. Performance data for the fiscal year and the quarter ended September 30, 2001, compared to the indices, are as follows: QUARTER ENDED FISCAL YEAR 9/30/01 Net Asset Value -28.2% -14.3% Dow Jones Industrial Average -16.9% -15.8% NASDAQ Industrials -46.7% -28.1% Russell 2000 -22.4% -21.0% Performance of the Fund has, not surprisingly, been negatively affected by the general trends in the popular market averages. Some encouragement can be found in the more recent data suggesting that, particularly relative to the over-the-counter market where most of the securities in the portfolio trade, recent periods showed relative performance improvement. In our fiscal mid-year report for the period ended March 31, 2001, we noted, "The overall state of the economy and the levels of common stock valuation seem to us to still be fragile". We continue to believe that this is true. For the economy, the horrifying events of September 11 seem to have accelerated the recessionary trends already in place. The reductions in interest rates and an expectation that record levels of money market funds may soon return to the stock market may be sustaining equity valuations. However, the fundamental economic benefits from declining rates are not yet apparent. Indeed, as lenders increase their credit worthiness standards, many companies are finding their borrowing capacity constrained. The consensus that the U.S. economy is in recession is spreading, but the view that the economy will rebound in a quarter or two seems to us to be a bit optimistic. We also appear to be in the first synchronous worldwide decline in economic activity in twenty-five years, and most of the elements that have concerned us for some time remain uncorrected. Consumer and business debt remains high. A near-term rebound in capital spending seems unlikely as capacity utilization continues to appear to be declining. We also believe that the current trend toward higher unemployment, as businesses in almost all sectors attempt to control costs through layoffs, has not yet been fully reflected in economic activity. Among the bright spots, inflation is not an immediate concern as the ability of companies to raise prices throughout the economy is virtually non-existent, the decline in energy prices has the effect of a tax cut, and mortgage refinancings are providing consumers with increased cash flow. Thus far, the long-term economic effect of the events of September 11 on consumption patterns and equity valuations are unknown, but the apparent rebound in both seems somewhat encouraging. A decline in economic activity and the cost of pursuing the war against terrorism has resulted in declining state and federal fiscal surpluses, but the prospect of federal government tax cuts may mitigate the extent of any recession. As noted, stock prices in the healthcare industries are not immune from general stock market activity, but on a fundamental basis, the progress of the companies in the Fund continues to be largely unaffected. Additionally, a very large number of companies in the sector took advantage of the previous financing cycle and balance sheets in most cases are strong. New products continue to be approved and come to the market and will create improving 1 cash flows. The number of emerging companies reporting profits for the first time continues to expand. It is our experience that emerging growth companies with these characteristics tend to outperform the overall stock market when investors anticipating the end of a recession and begin to reinvest. In contrast to technologies such as electronics and communications, the technologies represented by your Fund's portfolio companies are generally unaffected by capital expenditure cycles. Particularly in biotechnology, we believe that the long-term outlook is excellent as new discoveries work their way through clinical development to commercialization. In the most recent quarter, two new companies were added to the venture capital portion of the portfolio. PHT CORPORATION provides biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations (CRO's) and medical device companies with web-based software and services to support clinical trial research of new products. VNUS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES has an FDA approved system using radio frequency heat with a disposable single-use catheter to collapse varicose veins, a significant improvement over surgically-based, more invasive procedures. On a near-term basis, the macro environment presents some uncertainties. Our longer-term expectation that the unique characteristics of the companies in the portfolio, focused on the improvement of the span and quality of life, will generate above average investment returns, remains undiminished. /s/ Alan G. Carr /s/ Daniel R. Omstead Alan G. Carr Daniel R. Omstead President Emeritus President H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ PORTFOLIO AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 Total Venture Difference AGRI/ENVIRONMENTAL 1.50% 1.34% 0.17% BIOTECHNOLOGY 47.90% 8.20% 39.69% CROs 0.40% 0.00% 0.41% DIAGNOSTICS 8.30% 3.48% 4.84% INFORMATION SERVICES 1.70% 1.65% 0.00% MANAGED CARE 0.90% 0.87% 0.00% MEDICAL SPECIALTY 9.50% 3.44% 6.02% MEDICAL SUPPLIES 1.90% 1.60% 0.31% PHARMACEUTICALS 13.00% 2.04% 10.99% LIQUID ASSETS 15.00% 0.00% 14.95% 2 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ LARGEST HOLDINGS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 % OF NET ASSETS --------------- Cubist Pharmaceuticals 7.05% Gilead Sciences 7.05% Biovail 4.87% CV Therapeutics 3.69% Celgene 3.29% Cytyc 2.64% Versicor 2.51% Martek Biosciences 2.44% Sepracor 2.37% MedImmune 2.27% H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ SIGNIFICANT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 UNITS HELD UNITS HELD PURCHASES 6/30/01 9/30/01 Abgenix 0 150,000 Cephalon 0 54,000 KVM Technologies (Restricted) Cvt. Note $1,170,000 $1,350,000 Lexicon Genetics 0 78,500 PHT (Restricted) 0 5,384,616 Sontra Medical (Restricted) Series B 0 536,459 Therion Biologics (Restricted) Series C 0 80,000 VNUS Medical Technologies (Restricted) 0 820,313 SALES Calypte Biomedical 657,576 0 Genzyme Biosurgery 79,539 0 ImClone Systems 57,000 0 KeraVision 137,457 0 Pharming Group 161,253 0 3 ANNUAL MEETING REPORT The Annual Meeting was held on June 8, 2001, at 9:00 a.m. The shareholders voted on the following items and the resulting votes are presented below. (1) To elect three Trustees of the Fund to hold office for a term of three years or until their respective successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. FOR WITHHELD BROKER NON-VOTES Robert P. Mack, M.D. 9,298,466 82,736 0 Eric Oddleifson 9,294,399 86,803 0 Oleg M. Pohotsky 9,236,670 144,532 0 The nominees were elected to serve until the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The Trustees serving until the 2002 Annual Meeting are Alan G. Carr and Henri A. Termeer. The Trustees serving until the 2003 Annual Meeting are Lawrence S. Lewin and Uwe E. Reinhardt, Ph.D. (2) To ratify the selection of Arthur Andersen as the Fund's independent accountants for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002. Shareholders overwhelmingly ratified the selection of the Independent Public Accountants. FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN BROKER NON-VOTES 9,302,347 40,545 38,310 0 CHANGE IN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Arthur Andersen LLP resigned as the Fund's independent accountants as of September 27, 2001. The resignation was prompted by recent revisions to the SEC's auditor independence requirements. As a result of those revisions, Arthur Andersen LLP may no longer be considered "independent" with respect to the Fund because of its commercial banking relationship with JP Morgan Chase, the parent company of Hambrecht & Quist Capital Management. The Trustees voted to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's independent accountants for the Fund's fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. During the two previous years, Arthur Andersen LLP's audit reports contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion; nor were its reports qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principle. Further, in connection with its audits for the two previous fiscal years and through September 27, 2001, there were no disagreements between the Fund and Arthur Andersen LLP on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure, which if not resolved to the satisfaction of Arthur Andersen LLP would have caused it to make reference to the disagreements in its report on the financial statements for such years. 4 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS TO THE TRUSTEES AND SHAREHOLDERS OF H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS: In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, and the related statements of operations, of changes in net assets and of cash flows and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of H&Q Healthcare Investors (the "Fund") at September 30, 2001, and the results of its operations, the changes in its net assets, its cash flows and the financial highlights for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as "financial statements") are the responsibility of the Fund's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit of these financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit, which included confirmation of securities at September 30, 2001 by correspondence with the custodian, provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As explained in Note 4, the financial statements include securities valued at $72,245,747 (22% of net assets), whose values have been estimated by the Trustees in the absence of readily ascertainable market values. Those estimated values may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market for the securities existed, and the differences could be material. The financial statements of the Fund as of September 30, 2000 and for the four years then ended were audited by other independent accountants whose report dated November 3, 2000 expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Boston, Massachusetts November 20, 2001 5 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES - 20.9% OF NET ASSETS SHARES CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED (RESTRICTED) - 18.9% VALUE AGRICULTURAL/ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES - 1.3% 375,000 Ceres Series C* $2,250,000 27,443 Ceres Series C-1*# 164,658 277,967 Ceres Series D*# 1,667,802 222,222 EPR Series A* 333,333 BIOTECHNOLOGY - 6.1% 400,000 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Series E* 3,000,000 1,818,182 Raven biotechnologies Series B*^ 3,000,000 47,407 Therion Biologics Series A* 177,776 240,000 Therion Biologics Series B*# 900,000 407,712 Therion Biologics Series C*# 1,528,922 36,092 Therion Biologics Sinking Fund* 135,345 1,750,000 Triad Therapeutics Series A* 3,500,000 825,000 Triad Therapeutics Series B* 1,650,000 923,077 Zyomyx Series B* 3,692,308 600,000 Zyomyx Series C* 2,400,000 DIAGNOSTICS - 3.4% 1,371,429 CardioNet Series C*^ 4,800,002 484,829 CytoLogix Series A*^ 2,448,386 227,130 CytoLogix Series B*#^ 1,147,007 160,000 Masimo Series D* 1,760,000 1,724,138 Sontra Medical Series A*^ 867,759 536,459 Sontra Medical Series B*^ 270,000 INFORMATION SERVICES - 1.3% 5,384,616 PHT Series D*^ 4,200,000 MANAGED CARE - 0.5% 338,983 KVM Technologies Series B*#^ 1,500,000 MEDICAL SPECIALTY - 3.4% 636,364 AbTox Series F* 6,364 1,632,653 Omnisonics Series B*^ 2,400,000 639,659 Songbird Hearing Series D* 1,496,802 652,173 TherOx Series H* 2,999,996 820,313 VNUS Medical Technologies Series E*^ 4,200,003 MEDICAL SUPPLIES - 0.9% 343,750 LocalMed Series D* 3,438 631,580 Novacept Series G*# 3,000,005 PHARMACEUTICALS/DRUG DELIVERY - 2.0% 211,765 Advanced Medicine Series C* 1,905,885 200,000 Advanced Medicine Series D-1* 1,800,000 1,398,732 Galileo Laboratories Series F* 3,000,000 ----------- $62,205,791 ----------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 6 PRINCIPAL CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES - CONTINUED AMOUNT CONVERTIBLE BONDS AND NOTES - 2.0% VALUE BIOTECHNOLOGY - 1.6% $6,800,000 CuraGen 6% Cvt. Deb. due 2007~ $ 5,168,000 INFORMATION SERVICES - 0.0% 1,577,366 FitForAll.com (Restricted) 10% Prom. Note*#+ 158 MANAGED CARE - 0.4% 1,350,000 KVM Technologies (Restricted) Adj. Cvt. Demand Note*#^ 1,350,000 MEDICAL SPECIALTY - 0.0% 180,000 AbTox (Restricted) 12% Prom. Note*+ 180,000 ----------- $ 6,698,158 ----------- TOTAL CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES (Cost $70,478,155) $68,903,949 ----------- SHARES COMMON STOCKS - 63.6% AGRICULTURAL/ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY - 0.2% 71,483 Catalytica Energy Systems* $547,560 ----------- 547,560 ----------- BIOTECHNOLOGY - 40.4% BIOPHARMACEUTICALS - 35.8% 429,898 BioTransplant* 2,364,439 1,150 BioTransplant (Restricted) Warrants (expire 8/15/05)* 3,767 2,760 BioTransplant (Restricted) Warrants (expire 8/12/04)* 2,484 6,300 BioTransplant (Restricted) Warrants (expire 10/31/04)* 5,670 410,400 Celgene* 10,846,872 54,000 Cephalon* 2,693,520 193,400 Cor Therapeutics* 4,376,642 246,389 Corixa* 2,586,863 550,556 Cubist Pharmaceuticals* 18,041,720 200,001 Cubist Pharmaceuticals (Restricted) Warrants (expire 9/23/03)* 5,188,426 312,823 CV Therapeutics* 12,156,302 163,000 Genzyme* 7,403,460 413,318 Gilead Sciences* 23,216,072 210,000 MedImmune* 7,482,300 226,760 Therion Biologics (Restricted)* 850,350 264,912 Transkaryotic Therapies* 7,189,712 270,270 Tularik* 4,978,373 540,508 Versicor* 7,242,807 87,657 Versicor (Restricted)* 880,953 18,696 Versicor (Restricted) Warrants (expire 8/3/05)* 129,825 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 7 SHARES BIOTECHNOLOGY - CONTINUED VALUE GENOMICS/DRUG DISCOVERY - 4.6% 150,000 Abgenix* $3,405,000 60,000 Affymetrix* 963,000 299,302 Dyax* 2,879,285 98,000 Exelixis* 1,123,080 78,500 Lexicon Genetics* 596,600 225,000 Lynx Therapeutics* 535,500 174,461 Molecular Devices* 3,251,953 370,237 Telik* 2,406,541 ----------- 132,801,516 ----------- CONTRACT RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS - 0.4% 91,400 Quintiles Transnational* 1,334,440 ----------- 1,334,440 ----------- DIAGNOSTICS - 4.9% 522,617 Biofield* 172,464 600,000 Biofield (Restricted)* 158,400 324,330 Cytyc* 8,695,287 140,000 Digene* 3,500,000 152,000 IDEXX Laboratories* 3,552,240 160,000 Masimo Labs (Restricted)* 1,600 900,000 Sontra Medical (Restricted)*^ 9,000 ----------- 16,088,991 ----------- INFORMATION SERVICES - 0.4% 4,366,920 Codman Group (Restricted)* 10,917 306,208 Physician WebLink (Restricted)* 1,200,473 188,096 Physician WebLink (Restricted) Warrants* (expire 10/15/04) 18,810 ----------- 1,230,200 ----------- MEDICAL SPECIALTY - 6.0% 381,818 ATS Medical* 1,527,272 130,900 Bioject Medical Technologies* 1,340,416 101,848 Biopure* 1,889,280 8,333 Biopure (Restricted) Warrants (expire 8/4/03)* 49,123 205,310 Curis* 718,585 1,000,000 Endocardial Solutions* 4,230,000 441,409 Martek Biosciences* 8,033,644 1,020,000 Orthovita*^ 1,785,000 198,000 Radiance Medical Systems* 267,300 ----------- 19,840,620 ----------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 8 SHARES VALUE MEDICAL SUPPLIES - 0.3% 645,000 EP MedSystems*^ $1,031,355 ----------- 1,031,355 PHARMACEUTICALS/DRUG DELIVERY - 11.0% 225,000 Aradigm* 751,500 345,924 Biovail* 16,050,880 91,500 Emisphere Technologies* 1,747,650 334,500 Scios* 5,592,840 217,138 Sepracor* 7,795,254 70,000 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ADR 4,231,500 ----------- 36,169,624 ----------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost $90,234,381) $209,044,306 ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS - 15.0% $11,000,000 American Express Credit, 3.14%, due 10/1/01 $11,000,000 11,000,000 Ford Motor Credit Corp., 2.60%, due 10/2/01 10,999,206 12,500,000 General Electric Capital Corp., 2.75%, due 10/4/01 12,497,135 15,000,000 General Motors Acceptance Corp., 2.85%, due 10/9/01 14,990,500 ----------- TOTAL TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS (Cost $49,486,841) $49,486,841 ----------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS (Cost $210,199,377) $327,435,096 ------------ ------------------------- * Non income-producing security. # With warrants attached. ^ Affiliated issuers in which the Fund holds 5% or more of the voting securities (Total Market Value of $29,008,512). ~ Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. + Issuer filed for bankruptcy. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 9 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ STATMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 ASSETS: Investments, at value (identified cost $210,199,377; see Schedule of Investments) $327,435,096 Cash 556,245 Interest receivable 66,867 Receivable for investments sold 2,339,053 Prepaid expenses 16,650 ------------ Total assets $330,413,911 ------------ LIABILITIES: Payable for investments purchased $522,227 Accrued advisory fee 380,000 Accrued trustees' fees 22,500 Accrued other 115,978 ------------ Total liabilities $1,040,705 ------------ NET ASSETS $329,373,206 ============ SOURCES OF NET ASSETS: Shares of beneficial interest, par value $.01 per share, unlimited number of shares authorized, amount paid in on 12,042,064 shares issued and outstanding $190,602,619 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 21,534,868 Net unrealized gain on investments 117,235,719 ------------ Total net assets (equivalent to $27.35 per share based on 12,042,064 shares outstanding) $329,373,206 ============ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 10 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ STATMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 INVESTMENT INCOME: Dividend income (net of foreign tax of $4,127) $13,076 Interest income 2,818,657 Other income 23,862 ---------- Total investment income $2,855,595 EXPENSES: Advisory fees $4,411,094 Legal fees 47,932 Shareholder reporting 132,548 Trustees' fees and expenses 136,639 Custodian fees 88,984 Transfer agent fees 41,247 Accounting and auditing fees 59,929 Other 159,373 ---------- Total expenses 5,077,746 ------------ Net investment income (loss) ($2,222,151) ------------ NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS: Net realized gain on investments $63,501,379 Decrease in net unrealized gain on investments (201,564,026) ------------ Net loss on investments ($138,062,647) ------------ Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations ($140,284,798) ============ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 11 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ STATMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE FOR THE YEAR ENDED YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 2000 ---------------- --------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss) ($2,222,151) ($3,056,159) Net realized gain on investments 63,501,379 35,694,901 Increase (decrease) in net unrealized gain on investments (201,564,026) 253,975,089 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations ($140,284,798) $286,613,831 ------------- ------------ DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM: Net realized capital gains ($52,289,670) ($34,646,099) ------------- ------------ CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Value of shares issued in reinvestment of distributions (1,519,574 and 898,966 shares, respectively) $36,365,104 $24,095,211 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets ($156,209,364) $276,062,943 NET ASSETS: Beginning of year 485,582,570 209,519,627 ------------- ------------ End of year $329,373,206 $485,582,570 ============= ============ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 12 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ STATMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 CASH FLOWS USED FOR OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Interest and other income received $2,899,268 Dividends received 13,076 Operating expenses paid (5,362,363) ----------- Net cash used for operating activities ($2,450,019) ----------- CASH FLOWS PROVIDED FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of portfolio securities ($51,629,150) Net purchases of temporary cash investments (24,817,800) Sales and maturities of portfolio securities 95,123,166 ----------- Net cash provided from investing activities $18,676,216 ----------- CASH FLOWS USED FOR FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Cash distributions paid, net ($15,924,566) ----------- Net cash used for financing activities ($15,924,566) ----------- NET INCREASE IN CASH $301,631 CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 254,614 ----------- CASH AT END OF YEAR $556,245 =========== RECONCILIATION OF NET DECREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS TO NET CASH USED FOR OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations ($140,284,798) Net realized gain on investments (63,501,379) Net increase in unrealized gain on investments 201,564,026 Decrease in dividends and interest receivable 56,749 Decrease in prepaid expenses 41,339 Decrease in accrued expenses (325,956) ------------ Net cash used for operating activities ($2,450,019) ============ Noncash investing activities not included herein consist of conversions of promissory notes to equity investments of $2,599,054. Noncash financing activities not included herein consist of stock distributions of $36,365,104. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 13 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (SELECTED DATA FOR EACH SHARE OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD INDICATED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- Net asset value per share: Beginning of period $46.147 $21.771 $16.711 $23.106 $25.754 -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- Net investment income (loss) ($0.195)* ($0.290) ($0.176) ($0.217) ($0.224) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments (13.822) 28.131 5.596 (5.108) 4.524 -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- Total increase (decrease) from investment operations ($14.017) $27.841 $5.420 ($5.325) $4.300 -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- Dilutive effect of sale of common stock and related expenses from rights offering -- -- -- -- (2.458) Capital gains distributions to shareholders ($4.780) ($3.465) ($0.360) ($1.070) ($4.490) -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- Net asset value per share: End of period $27.350 $46.147 $21.771 $16.711 $23.106 ======== ========= ========= ========= ======== Per share market value: End of period $21.740 $36.188 $16.313 $13.125 $19.000 Total investment return at market value (27.23%) 151.66% 27.39% (26.05%) 14.01% RATIOS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: Net assets at end of period $329,373,206 $485,582,570 $209,519,627 $157,976,073 $207,728,666 Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets 1.42% 1.45% 1.46% 1.46% 1.57% Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (0.62%) (0.86%) (0.91%) (1.11%) (1.13%) Portfolio turnover rate 16.17% 12.90% 24.88% 17.15% 17.47% Number of shares outstanding at end of period 12,042,064 10,522,490 9,623,524 9,453,317 8,990,179 * Net investment loss per share has been computed using average shares outstanding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 14 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 (1) ORGANIZATION H&Q Healthcare Investors (the Fund) is a Massachusetts business trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Fund's investment objective is long-term capital appreciation through investment in securities of companies in the healthcare industries. The Fund invests primarily in securities of public and private companies that are believed to have significant potential for above-average growth. The Fund was organized on October 31, 1986 and commenced operations on April 22, 1987. The preparation of these financial statements requires the use of certain estimates by management in determining the entity's assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. Actual results could differ from these estimates. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Fund, which are in conformity with those generally accepted in the United States of America. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Investments traded on national securities exchanges or in the over-the-counter market that are National Market System securities are valued at the last sale price or, lacking any sales, at the mean between the last bid and asked prices. Other over-the-counter securities are valued at the most recent bid prices as obtained from one or more dealers that make markets in the securities. As indicated in Note 4, investments for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Trustees of the Fund. Temporary cash investments with maturity of 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost. Investment transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Gains and losses from sales of investments are recorded using the "identified cost" method. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. The Fund will adopt the provisions of the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide for Investment Companies, as revised, effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2000. As required, the Fund will begin accreting discounts and amortizing premiums on all debt securities effective October 1, 2001. Prior to this date, the Fund did not accrete discounts or amortize premiums on long-term debt securities. The cumulative effect of this accounting change will have no impact on the total net assets of the Fund. The impact of this accounting change will result in an increase to cost of securities and a corresponding decrease in net unrealized appreciation of approximately $155,000 based on securities held as of September 30, 2001. FEDERAL INCOME TAXES It is the Fund's policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute to its shareholders substantially all of its taxable income and its net realized capital gains, if any. Therefore, no Federal income or excise tax provision is required. DISTRIBUTIONS The Fund records all distributions to shareholders from net investment income, if any, and realized gains on the ex-dividend date. Such distributions are determined in conformity with income tax regulations. The Fund has adjusted for the effect of certain permanent book/tax differences by reclassifying the net operating loss against accumulated net realized gains and capital, in the amount of $388,157 and $1,833,994, respectively, for the year ended September 30, 2001. This adjustment has no effect on the Fund's net assets, net investment loss or net realized gain and is designed to present the Fund's capital accounts on a tax basis. The calculation of net investment loss per share in the financial highlights excludes this adjustment. 15 DISTRIBUTION POLICY The current distribution policy is to declare distributions in stock. Stock distributions will automatically be paid in newly issued shares of the Fund unless otherwise instructed by the shareholder. Pursuant to an SEC exemptive order, the Fund has implemented a fixed distribution policy that permits the Fund to make quarterly distributions at a rate of 2% of the Fund's net assets to shareholders of record. The Fund intends to use net realized capital gains when making quarterly distributions. This could result in a return of capital to shareholders if the amount of the distribution exceeds the Fund's net investment income and realized capital gains. It is anticipated that net realized capital gains in excess of the total distributed under this policy would be included in the December distribution. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS The cash amount shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is the amount included in the Fund's Statement of Assets and Liabilities and represents cash on hand at its custodian and does not include temporary cash investments at September 30, 2001. (2) SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS The aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (other than temporary cash investments) for the year ended September 30, 2001 totaled $52,151,377 and $96,681,496, respectively. At September 30, 2001, the total cost of securities for Federal income tax purposes was $210,199,377. The net unrealized gain on securities held by the Fund was $117,235,719, including gross unrealized gain of $120,138,764 and gross unrealized loss of $2,903,045. (3) INVESTMENT ADVISORY FEES AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES The Fund has entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement (the Advisory Agreement) with Hambrecht & Quist Capital Management Incorporated (the Adviser). Pursuant to the terms of the Advisory Agreement, the Fund pays the Adviser a monthly fee at the rate when annualized of (i) 2.5% of the average net assets for the month of its venture capital and other restricted securities up to 25% of net assets and (ii) for the month, for all other assets, 1.0% of the average net assets up to $250 million, 0.9% of the average net assets for the next $250 million, 0.8% of the average net assets for the next $500 million and 0.7% of the average net assets thereafter. The aggregate fee may not exceed a rate when annualized of 1.375%. Certain officers and Trustees of the Fund are also officers of the Adviser. The Adviser is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Trustees who are not affiliates of the Adviser receive an annual fee of $15,000 plus $1,500 for each meeting attended. (4) VENTURE CAPITAL AND OTHER RESTRICTED SECURITIES The Fund may invest in venture capital and other restricted securities if these securities would currently comprise 40% or less of net assets. The value of these securities represents 22% of the Fund's net assets at September 30, 2001. The value of the venture capital and other restricted securities is determined in good faith by the Trustees. However, because of the inherent uncertainty of valuations, these estimated values may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market for the securities existed, and the differences could be material. In fiscal 2001, the Fund sold a restricted security subject to future contingent payments whose estimated value of $2,260,605 has also been determined by the Trustees and which is included in the Receivable for Investments Sold in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. 16 The following table details the acquisition date, cost, carrying value per unit, and value of the Fund's venture capital and other restricted securities at September 30, 2001, as determined by the Trustees of the Fund. ACQUISITION CARRYING VALUE SECURITY DATE COST PER UNIT VALUE ----------------------------------- ----------------- ---------- -------------- --------- AbTox Series F Cvt. Pfd. 3/7/97 $1,415,569 $0.01 $6,364 12% Promissory Note 2/26/98 - 3/26/98 180,000 1.00 180,000 ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Series E Cvt. Pfd. 5/2/00 3,000,273 7.50 3,000,000 Advanced Medicine Series C Cvt. Pfd. 2/5/99 1,800,123 9.00 1,905,885 Series D-1 Cvt. Pfd. 8/28/00 1,800,900 9.00 1,800,000 Biofield Common 12/15/00 302,984 0.26 158,400 Biopure Common Warrants (expire 8/4/03) 5/13/99 0 5.89 49,123 BioTransplant Common Warrants (expire 8/12/04) 8/12/94 0 0.90 2,484 Common Warrants (expire 10/31/04) 10/31/94 0 0.90 5,670 Common Warrants (expire 8/15/05) 8/18/95 0 3.27 3,767 CardioNet^ Series C Cvt. Pfd. 5/3/01 4,823,275 3.50 4,800,002 Ceres Series C Cvt. Pfd. 12/23/98 1,502,620 6.00 2,250,000 Series C-1 Cvt. Pfd.* 1/4/01 111,488 6.00 164,658 Series D Cvt. Pfd.* 3/14/01 1,667,802 6.00 1,667,802 Codman Group Common 1/26/96 - 8/24/97 2,552,759 0.00 10,917 Cubist Pharmaceuticals Common Warrants (expire 9/23/03) 9/23/98 235 25.94 5,188,426 CytoLogix^ Series A Cvt. Pfd. 1/13/98 - 7/21/99 2,331,986 5.05 2,448,386 Series B Cvt. Pfd.* 1/11/01 1,150,335 5.05 1,147,007 EPR Series A Cvt. Pfd. 3/9/94 1,000,409 1.50 333,333 FitForAll.com 10% Promissory Note* 2/22/00 - 9/18/00 1,613,493 0.00 158 Galileo Laboratories Series F Cvt. Pfd. 8/18/00 3,001,764 2.14 3,000,000 KVM Technologies^ Series B Cvt. Pfd.* 2/19/98 1,501,320 4.42 1,500,000 Adj. Cvt. Demand Note* 6/21/99 - 7/31/01 1,350,625 1.00 1,350,000 LocalMed Series D Cvt. Pfd. 2/9/96 1,376,970 0.01 3,438 Masimo Series D Cvt. Pfd. 8/14/96 1,120,040 11.00 1,760,000 Masimo Labs Common 8/14/96 0 0.01 1,600 Novacept Series G Cvt. Pfd.* 3/27/01 3,000,005 4.75 3,000,005 Omnisonics^ Series B Cvt. Pfd. 5/24/01 2,404,472 1.47 2,400,000 PHT^ Series D Cvt. Pfd. 7/23/01 4,200,000 0.78 4,200,000 17 ACQUISITION CARRYING VALUE SECURITY DATE COST PER UNIT VALUE ------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -------------- ----------- Physician WebLink Common 2/5/97 $ 1,200,325 $ 3.920 $ 1,200,473 Warrants (expire 10/15/04) 10/15/98 0 0.100 18,810 Raven biotechnologies^ Series B Cvt. Pfd. 12/12/00 3,000,833 1.650 3,000,000 Songbird Hearing Series D Cvt. Pfd. 12/14/00 3,002,086 2.340 1,496,802 Sontra Medical^ Series A Cvt. Pfd. 9/9/98 1,205,089 0.503 867,759 Series B Cvt. Pfd. 3/26/01 - 7/11/01 270,000 0.503 270,000 Common 3/26/01 0 0.010 9,000 Therion Biologics Common 7/12/90 - 10/16/96 511,365 3.750 850,350 Series A Cvt. Pfd. 8/20/96 - 10/16/96 444,850 3.750 177,776 Series B Cvt. Pfd.* 2/24/99 - 6/22/99 900,914 3.750 900,000 Series C Cvt. Pfd.* 9/26/01 1,528,922 3.750 1,528,922 Sinking Fund Cvt. Pfd. 10/17/94 - 4/3/96 721,291 3.750 135,345 TherOx Series H Cvt. Pfd. 9/11/00 3,001,873 4.600 2,999,996 Triad Therapeutics Series A Cvt. Pfd. 6/8/99 1,750,860 2.000 3,500,000 Series B Cvt. Pfd. 12/20/00 1,653,135 2.000 1,650,000 Versicor Common 10/29/99 414,898 10.050 880,953 Warrants (expire 8/3/05) 6/28/99 905 6.944 129,825 VNUS Medical Technologies^ Series E Cvt. Pfd. 8/20/01 4,200,003 5.120 4,200,003 Zyomyx Series B Cvt. Pfd. 2/19/99 1,200,550 4.000 3,692,308 Series C Cvt. Pfd. 3/2/00 1,200,690 4.000 2,400,000 ----------- ----------- $69,418,036 $72,245,747 =========== =========== * With warrants attached. ^ Affiliated issuers. FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) Pursuant to Section 852 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund designates $52,290,000 as long-term capital gain dividends for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. 18 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS 30 Rowes Wharf, 4th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02110-3328 (617) 310-0567 OFFICERS Daniel R. Omstead, ENGSCD, President Alan G. Carr, President Emeritus Kimberley L. Carroll, Treasurer Jennifer L. Morris, Secretary TRUSTEES Alan G. Carr Lawrence S. Lewin Robert P. Mack, M.D. Eric Oddleifson Oleg M. Pohotsky Uwe E. Reinhardt, Ph.D. Henri A. Termeer INVESTMENT ADVISER Hambrecht & Quist Capital Management Incorporated CUSTODIAN AND TRANSFER AGENT State Street Bank and Trust Company INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP LEGAL COUNSEL Dechert Price & Rhoads ============================== Shareholders with questions regarding share transfers may call 1-800-426-5523 Interim daily net asset value may be obtained by calling 1-800-451-2597 For copies of the Fund's DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN, please contact the Plan Agent, State Street Bank & Trust Co. P.O. Box 8200, Boston, MA 02266-8200 Telephone: 1-800-426-5523 H&Q HEALTHCARE INVESTORS ------------------------ New York Stock Exchange Symbol: HQH www.hqcm.com ------ Out of concern for the environment and in an effort to reduce Fund expenses, this report is printed on recycled paper. HQHCM-AR-01