A survey of fees paid by multi-jurisdictional companies to non-
executive directors, including those in the mining industry, was
commissioned by the company. The findings of the survey
highlighted the disparity between the fees paid by the
company (which tends to be lower) and international best
practice (which tends to be higher). The Remuneration
Committee has recommended and the board has approved
that the fees paid to non-executive directors be adjusted over
a three year period, to accord with international best practice
and to better align comparable reward across all directors,
while at the same time taking into account where necessary
the particular market dynamics of the jurisdictions from which
directors are recruited. In order to achieve this, the proposed
increases in fees to be paid to non-executive directors (for the
first year of the three year period) as contemplated in special
resolution number 1, range from 10% for the Chairman and
non-South African directors residing outside of Africa, 15% for
South African resident directors and 25% for non-South
African directors residing in Africa.
The Remuneration Committee recommends for approval by
shareholders, the fees for the Chairman detailed in special
resolution number 1, while the Chairman, together with the
Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer
recommend for approval by shareholders, the fees for the non-
executive directors, detailed in special resolution number 1.
In light of all of these factors, the proposed revised
remuneration structure set out in special resolutions numbered
1 and 2, is considered to be fair and reasonable and in the best
interests of the company.
Executive directors do not receive payment of directors' fees.
The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and non-executive directors
have undertaken not to cast any votes in respect of special
resolutions numbered 1 and 2, and the company will disregard
the votes cast by:
the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and non-executive
directors; and
an associate of that person or group of persons stated
above in respect of special resolutions numbered 1 and 2.
However, the company will not disregard a vote if it is cast by
a person as a proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in
accordance with the directions on the form of proxy; or
the person chairing the annual general meeting as a proxy of
a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with a
direction on the form of proxy to vote as the proxy decides
in respect of special resolutions numbered 1 and 2.
17. Special resolution number 3
Acquisition of the company’s own shares
“Resolved as a special resolution that the acquisition in terms
of the Companies Act 1973 as amended or the Companies
Act 2008 as amended (“Companies Act”), whichever is
applicable and the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited,
by the company of ordinary shares issued by the company
and the acquisition in terms of the Companies Act and the
Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, by any of the
company’s subsidiaries, from time to time, of ordinary shares
issued by the company, is hereby approved as a general
approval, provided that:
any such acquisition of shares shall be implemented through
the order book operated by the JSE Limited trading system
and done without any prior understanding or arrangement
between the company and the counter party; and/or on the
open market of any other stock exchange on which the
shares are listed or may be listed and on which the company
may, subject to the approval of the JSE Limited and any
other stock exchange as necessary, wish to effect such
acquisition of shares;
this approval shall be valid only until the next annual general
meeting of the company, or for 15 months from the date of
this resolution, whichever period is shorter;
an announcement containing details of such acquisitions
will be published as soon as the company, or the
subsidiaries collectively, shall have acquired ordinary shares
issued by the company constituting, on a cumulative basis,
not less than 3% of the number of ordinary shares in the
company in issue as at the date of this approval; and an
announcement containing details of such acquisitions will
be published in respect of each subsequent acquisition by
either the company, or by the subsidiaries collectively, as
the case may be, of ordinary shares issued by the
company, constituting, on a cumulative basis, not less than
3% of the number of ordinary shares in the company in
issue as at the date of this approval;
the company, and its subsidiaries collectively, shall not in any
financial year be entitled to acquire ordinary shares issued
by the company constituting, on a cumulative basis, more
than 5% of the number of ordinary shares in the company in
issue as at the date of this approval;