PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
Date: 01 October, 2004, for the month of September, 2004
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14.09.04 09:19 TEL SHARE BUY BACK
Telenor ASA has on September 13, 2004 purchased 700,000 own shares at an average price of NOK 49.14 per share. After this transaction, Telenor ASA owns a total of 14,079,900 shares. The transaction is part of a buyback authorisation approved by Telenor’s Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2004.
Telenor’s largest shareholder, the Kingdom of Norway, has committed to participate in the buyback by cancelling a proportionate part of its shares, leaving their ownership unchanged. The compensation for the Kingdom of Norway’s shares to be cancelled will be determined by the average price paid in the market under the buyback, plus an interest based on NIBOR +1.0 percent p.a., calculated from the dates of purchases under the buyback until payment to the Kingdom of Norway at the time of cancellation.
Any further buyback transactions under this authorisation will be disclosed at Oslo Stock Exchange and on
15.09.04 09:24 TEL SHARE BUY BACK
Telenor ASA has on September 14, 2004 purchased 370,000 own shares at an average price of NOK 49.42 per share. After this transaction, Telenor ASA owns a total of 14,449,900 shares. The transaction is part of a buyback authorisation approved by Telenor’s Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2004.
Telenor’s largest shareholder, the Kingdom of Norway, has committed to participate in the buyback by cancelling a proportionate part of its shares, leaving their ownership unchanged. The compensation for the Kingdom of Norway’s shares to be cancelled will be determined by the average price paid in the market under the buyback, plus an interest based on NIBOR +1.0 percent p.a., calculated from the dates of purchases under the buyback until payment to the Kingdom of Norway at the time of cancellation.
Any further buyback transactions under this authorisation will be disclosed at Oslo Stock Exchange and on
16.09.04 09:24 TEL SHARE BUY BACK
Telenor ASA has on September 15, 2004 purchased 490,000 own shares at an average price of NOK 49.87 per share. After this transaction, Telenor ASA owns a total of 14,939,900 shares. The transaction is part of a buyback authorisation approved by Telenor’s Annual General Meeting on May 6, 2004.
Telenor’s largest shareholder, the Kingdom of Norway, has committed to participate in the buyback by cancelling a proportionate part of its shares, leaving their ownership unchanged. The compensation for the Kingdom of Norway’s shares to be cancelled will be determined by the average price paid in the market under the buyback, plus an interest based on NIBOR +1.0 percent p.a., calculated from the dates of purchases under the buyback until payment to the Kingdom of Norway at the time of cancellation.
Any further buyback transactions under this authorisation will be disclosed at Oslo Stock Exchange and on